Samuel Brhane
Hi! It's Me
Samuel Brhane
I'm a
Welcome! I am Samuel Brhane, a Senior Software Engineer with expertise in Full-Stack web development, AWS cloud environments, Machine Learning, and AI. I dedicate my efforts on delivering reliable and scalable applications.


Skills Overview
Here are a list of tools, libraries and platforms I have had previous experience on.

Featured Projects
Experience my problem-solving skills through my portfolio of web application projects.
Services Offered
Explore the range of AWS, web development, and data science services I offer.

AWS Cloud Solutions
Offering end-to-end cloud solutions including AWS architecture design, server management, and deployment of scalable applications on AWS. Expertise in EC2, S3, Lambda, and other AWS services.

Frontend Web Development
Writing clean and interactive code to develop and design the overall look of a website for many platforms, including laptops and smartphones, and enhance the user's experience.

Backend Web Development
Write code and tests, build prototypes, compile and analyze data, processes, and codes to troubleshoot problems as well as design robust APIs to support mobile and web applications.

Data Science & Machine Learning
Implementing machine learning models, performing statistical analysis, and designing data-driven solutions using Python, TensorFlow, and PyTorch to solve complex business problems.
Contact Me
Let's discuss your next project.

Samuel Brhane
Senior Full-Stack Engineer
AWS and Machine Learning Specialist